Thursday, May 21, 2009

Day 31

May 19th

In class I went over my introduction once again because I felt like I could improve it in a way. then I started my first characteristic which was art and architecture. There was a lot to write about so I wasn't able to finish it all, I was only half way through. I finished writing about the pyramids and how they were built. I think I used my time wisely in one way but I did take a break or two. But I still think I did well. In my perspective I think I accomplished a lot. But I still think I did well. I tried my hardest and that's what counts at the end of the day. Next lesson I decided to at least finish the rest of the characteristics and if possible more. this way I can organize myself more. I did feel like I should add more information but if I did I'd probably go over the word count, and anywise what's wrong with being simple.

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