Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Day 17

April 14th

Today the whole class met by the multi media lab. Mrs.Flicher came to class and helped out. The class was first taught how to put a shortcut from Mrs. Flicher's folder to the desktop. That short cut was linked to a website that was made by Mrs. Flicher and had a bunch of websites that would be useful for our research. We were allowed to look at 2 websites and write down some notes. On one of the websites I didn't write any notes because it was the exact same information as the encyclopedia I looked at earlier. I didn't get to finish looking at the second website but I still did get some notes. We didn't do that much work but I still think I worked well because I followed all instructions perfectly. Mabey next lesson I will be able to work more and answer my missing 2 questions.

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