Thursday, March 12, 2009

Day 1

5th March

Today in class we were asked to choose three characteristics of a civilization. I was kind of lost because I was absent when this project was first introduced. We were then asked to write a minimum of eight questions for each charactristics. In my percpective it was not a difficult task. My three characteristics were "Art and Arichetecture", "Religion", and "Social Classes". "Art and Arichetecture" was the easiest in my situation, since we have already done many questions during class time with Mr.Sparks. I found "Social classes" very hard to come up with eight questions. I tryed to link my three characteristics so I'm not jumping all over the place when I start writing the essay. I started with "Art and Architecture" then linked it to "Religion" and then linked that to "Social classes". At the end when I finished I looked back at my questions and found out that I have made a mistake in "Social Classes". I basically had two of the same questions but written in a different way, so I changed that Question to a different one. I think I did good in completing the given task. I probably could have done better, but I didn't want to have any HomeWork. At least I competed my task (No H.W.)

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