Monday, March 16, 2009

Day 4

March 16th

Today in class we took the register and waited for the late students to come and give their pathetic excuses. After that we directly went to the library and started our research. In class time I choose three books and looked at them, but one of them was useless and did not contain any information that would help me in the essay. I intended on doing Art and finishing it in class, but I found more useful information about Architecture. So I added more notes on Architecture and went back to Art. I was distracted because a girl joined the table and would not shut up, in that case I did not fully complete Art, so I decided to stay in the library during lunch and do more research. I was not allowed to keep my folder with me during lunch. Instead I took to post cards and wrote all my information on them, and I intend to put them into my folder tomorrow. Not much was accomplished during lunch but it's better than nothing. Hopefully I will do better next class.

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