Thursday, March 12, 2009

Day 2

8th March

Today Mr.Sparks did not attend class for some reason, so Mrs.Flicher came to subsitute. We went to the library where the librarian showed the class how to write a bibliography for the books that we would use in our essay. The books were going to be the first source that we would use in the assessment. We used "Easy Bib". The librarian kindly took out all the books we needed and placed them in a little section. No one was allowed to borrow the books or take the home. After that there was about 10 minutes till class ended. In those ten minutes we got to look at the books and find the civilization that would suit our characteristics best. I picked up a number of books and looked at each one carefully. I needed a civilization that explained each characteristics I chose clearly. At the end of the class I found out that the Egypt civilization was the perfect pick in my case.

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